
Tropical Paths to TME

Hey Y’all!

I’m Kelly Schricker, and I’m proud to announce that I am the new Event Manager at TaylorMade Experience!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to plan events. Though, until I tried, I didn’t realize that event management was a viable career option.

Determined to follow my dream, I relocated to a market I thought would be full of event opportunities, Honolulu, Hawaii (I swear the beach had nothing to do with this choice). Shortly thereafter, I landed myself a great job and joined several non-profit groups that happened to need assistance with event planning. Not only was I living in paradise, I was watching my dreams become reality. After some time in Chicago and the UK, I’ve most recently moved to Arlington, VA to be with the love of my life. I’ve continued planning events and I’m certain this oh-so-fun industry is the perfect fit for me!

So now that I’ve explained how I got here, I’d like to offer a few lesser known details of my sometimes-insane life:

  1. I’ve lived in six states and three countries in the last decade and travelled all over the world.
  2. I’ve sumo wrestled a world champion sumo wrestler. I did win and I have pictures to prove it.
  3. I am a HUGE Pittsburgh Steeler fan despite the sometimes 6 hour time difference. Games typically come on around 8am in Hawaii – and let me tell you, only true fans want beer and buffalo wings that early in the morning!
  4. I’ve been known to sleep walk. Just ask the kids across the hall in college or my extended family members.
  5. I’m an adrenaline junkie! On my first skydiving trip, I smiled the whole way up. No really, check me out!


It’s been an interesting journey, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to join the TME team. Each aspect of the company speaks to me: planning events with strong women who partner with great organizations that have meaningful causes – pinch me now!

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