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TaylorMade Experience’s Must-Reads When we’re not reading Colleen Hoover’s latest romance novel, our team at TaylorMade Experience can be found diving deep into literature and podcasts to better understand the industry, our team dynamic, and our clients. When our experienced Executive Team was asked to evaluate their favorite professional must-reads, these are the books they had to recommend. Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage The MillennialsBy Bruce Tulgan ✔️ Management Style      ✔️ All Professions      ✔️ Short Read Available on Amazon: Hardcover or PaperbackAbout: Not Everyone Gets a Trophy:...

We all know how vital adaptability has been in event planning in recent years. The ability to shift gears and plan for non-traditional and virtual events has been the saving grace for most organizations and has led many to thrive despite challenging conditions. But have you considered how the new generation of event attendees and donors moves very differently than previous generations and what that means for your organization? Let’s look at some of the changes you should consider implementing to welcome Millennials and Generation Z donors and attendees.  Food and...

TME partners with trusted vendors to provide our clients with a seamless experience in assembling the audio, visual, marketing, and production needs for an event. Several years ago, we were introduced to Dynamic Productions and their Director of Accounts, Ashley Lehrman, who has since helped us to deliver a number of successful virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. A/V contracts can be overwhelming to review.  With that in mind, we sat down with Ashley to discuss the must-haves, extras that might be worth your investment, and how to choose the right...

There’s no question that one of the most creative ways to capture attention and engage audiences with your event marketing pieces is through the effective use of elements like graphic design.  Yet, as eye-catching, creative, and colorful graphic designs are, they must also maintain brand consistency for your organization, since your event marketing pieces are ultimately a part of a larger brand story. As such, each marketing piece created for your organization’s events should always be cohesive with your brand. But how do you ensure that happens? Here are four...

If you’ve ever hosted a meeting or function you know that event-day jitters are quite common. After all, you’ve likely spent months preparing for the big event and you want everything to come off without a hitch. However, there’s a big difference between anticipation of the event and anxiety about it. If you want to ensure that your emotional state on event day is calmer and more collected than frazzled and frantic, here are three surefire tips to banish those event day jitters.  Preparation is Key  Create a working staff plan including...

So far 2022 has proven to have the same level of unpredictability as Washington DC’s weather. There have been ups and downs…but TME is optimistic this year will mark the return of in-person events. As we prepare for what’s sure to be a busy spring season, we wanted to break down the trends we’re seeing in the event space from vendors, clients, and attendees.  Outdoor Events:  Attendees and organizations alike remain hesitant to host a completely indoor event.This spring you can expect to see an increase in the number of events hosted...

2021 has been quite the year for TaylorMade Experience!  From the Bellagio in Las Vegas to the Rainbow Room in New York City, our team has traveled the country to execute impactful, and memorable events for a wide variety of clients.  Over the course of the year we have;  Successfully launched a new service line, Talent Acquisition Hired 4 new staff members Partnered with 15 new clients Welcomed 1 new baby  And this Fall alone we;   Traveled 13,512 miles Spent 39 nights in a hotel roomTraveled in 6 planes and 9 cars Executed 19 events Ate too many slices...

In March of 2020, Design Cuisine’s Account Executive and Creative Director, Kent Smith, was attending Catersource 2020 in Las Vegas learning about the future of events and catering. After four days of breakout sessions and exhibit halls he came home to a “shocking contrast” with businesses closing, events canceling, and COVID-19 taking the starring role in the year to come.  We sat down (virtually) to talk with Kent about how Design Cuisine adapted their unique and delicious catering services to thrive during the last 18 months, and what he thinks the...

By: Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd  Early in 2019, TME President and CEO Christina Taylor decided to offer a unique option to the company’s existing clients: a custom confectionary food truck that would deliver a memorable ending -- a sweet-treat sendoff for event guests.  The idea proved quite the challenge, but also showcased the creativity and attention-to-detail that are the hallmarks of TME as a powerhouse event management company. I spoke this week with Christina about the company’s new offering, which recently rolled out (pun intended) at a private engagement – more than two years...

With summer quickly approaching, TME is already gearing up for a busy fall season! Last month, we shared that hybrid events will continue to be popular for the foreseeable future, thus, some element of live attendance will be part of most programming.  Ensuring that attendees have a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience means careful coordination and communication among all parties about on-site safety protocols.  TME’S Vice President of Accounts, Jacquie Bayer, shares these helpful tips on navigating event precautions in light of COVID:  Plan for Variations with RulesAll parties involved in...


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