
5 Event Trends Shaping 2022

So far 2022 has proven to have the same level of unpredictability as Washington DC’s weather. There have been ups and downs…but TME is optimistic this year will mark the return of in-person events. As we prepare for what’s sure to be a busy spring season, we wanted to break down the trends we’re seeing in the event space from vendors, clients, and attendees. 

Outdoor Events

  1. Attendees and organizations alike remain hesitant to host a completely indoor event.
  2. This spring you can expect to see an increase in the number of events hosted in open-air spaces or completely outdoors.
  3. While outdoor venues can provide a blank slate for design and creativity, they are also hard to come by, depending on the location of your event. They also require a backup plan in the event of inclement weather.  

Have a Plan B (Murphy’s Law): If you’re planning an open-air or outdoor event, have a backup plan at the ready. 

Hybrid is Here to Stay: We discussed hybrid events in a previous blog post last year, and our opinion remains true. 

  1. Hybrid events allow more events to be accessible for those who are unable to travel. Providing a virtual option gives you the ability to welcome more attendees. 
  2. Vendors are becoming more creative in their hybrid event offerings, finding new and different ways to have the virtual and in-person audience interact. 

The Best of Both Worlds: Hybrid events work because they allow attendees to participate from anywhere and the in-person component adds engagement and excitement. If your event is virtual only, consider adding an in-person or live component to boost enthusiasm around the event.


  1. Attendees are more cognizant of food waste and want to attend sustainable events. Many also want to know exactly what sustainability practices your company engages in.
  2. Many caterers and decorators are moving away from plasticware and utilizing more sustainable disposable products or glassware. 
  3. Less paper! Instead of formal program books, we are seeing more digital program books accessed via a QR code or highlighted in the program or a slideshow presentation. 

Share Your Sustainability Efforts: Don’t assume that attendees won’t care to know the details of your sustainability practices. Put them in writing so that they know the efforts and commitment your company has made to sustainability. 

Creative Catering: 

  1. Don’t expect to see the classic buffet returning anytime soon. As we continue to navigate the current landscape, caterers and attendees are placing more emphasis on food safety and ensuring there is no cross-contamination. 
  2. Caterers are inventing new and innovative ways to individually serve hors d’oeuvres, like providing decorated bento boxes with each item or individual cups for each hors d’oeuvre. 
  3. Attendees want something new, but nostalgic. Whether it’s mac and cheese or sliders, attendees want new and innovative twists on classic comfort. 

Safe Doesn’t Have to Be Boring: There are lots of creative ways to serve guests amazing food, safely. Explore ways to add some flair to your menu – packaging that is sustainable can also be pretty and even thematically designed. Make it interesting and delicious. 


  1. Vendors are expecting to see supply chain delays continue into this year. 
  2. You can expect vendor timelines to move up to source and secure equipment in time for your event. 

Get Started Early! In our new normal, what once took a few weeks can take several months to secure. Finalize your details as soon as possible and allow plenty of lead time to ensure your plan comes off without a hitch! Attendees are eager to return to in-person events, but safely. Until that happens, TaylorMade Experience can help you and your organization navigate planning stellar hybrid or virtual events.

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