Why We Love Annual Events (And Why You Should, Too!)
Whether you’re a corporation or a non-profit organization, annual events are a key component to your company’s success.
Before we dive into the importance of why you need to have annual events, let’s talk about the why they need to happen annually. While we understand an event takes time, energy, and resources, it is vital to have one at least once a year—especially for non-profits.
Here’s why: You want to stay in front of your customers and donors. If you hold bi-annual events, you run the risk of donors or customers forgetting about you. A lot can happen in one year—let alone two. New companies will break onto the scene and you’ll be left in the dust. By holding an annual event that people can count on, you’ll remain in the forefront of donors’ and customers’ minds.
Let’s go through the benefits that your company can reap.
1: Improved visibility and awareness
Hosting an event is an excellent way to gain some exposure. As the invitations go out and word gets around, you might catch the eye of a media outlet or grab some attention on social media. This will help potential donors or customers learn more about your organization and what you do.
2: Strengthened donor/customer relationships
An annual event is perfect for building good-will. Use this face-time to deepen the relationship between your company and potential and current donors/customers.
3: Increased donations and/or ROI
A prime time to ask for donations or close new sales is during an annual event.
For non-profits, testimonials about your organization can have positive impact on donations and should play a major role in your event.
For corporations, your products and services should be on display for everyone to see, feel and touch.
The more you can highlight the benefits of your company throughout the event, the more likely you’ll see a spike in donations or ROI.
Ready to start planning?
Now that you’ve seen why an annual event is critical to your organization, we want to leave you with a few tips on how to make it a smashing success.
Develop a strategy—today!
Good strategy is the lifeblood of any successful event. The sooner you start to think through goals, deliverables, and timelines, the smoother the planning—and the event itself—will go.
Make it an engaging experience
If you’re a corporation, bring products to the event so customers can interact with them firsthand. Take Apple for example. Each year they hold special events to unveil cool new products to the masses—and, of course, the crowds always go crazy.
If you’re a non-profit, bring along real-life people who have benefited from your organization and have them speak. We’ve seen, firsthand, how these testimonials have moved donors to make a greater contribution to an organization’s mission.
You’ll also want to have an active presence on social media throughout the event. This will get attendees to interact with your brand, each other, and remain in touch long after the event has ended.
Be consistent
Make sure you have the event each year around the same time—this will give former attendees something to look forward to.
We know planning any event takes a lot of time and patience—and we’re here to help you along every step of the way. If you’re ready to talk strategy about your annual event, contact us today.
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