culture Tag

As the fall season of events approaches, it’s important to appreciate those who helped you achieve your event’s success, and amongst the mountain of wrap-up post-event, remembering to express gratitude and appreciation by saying “thank you” is an important post-event to do item. It sounds like a simple reminder, but it is often a forgotten art. Public thank you’s to donors, sponsors and guests is certainly well-deserved and should be a priority, but don’t forget to thank the rest of the team that put in a great effort. For any event...

Hello again! I am now three-quarters of the way done with my MBA at American University’s Kogod School of Business, and happily the newest full-time employee at TaylorMade Experience. Something that has been stressed to me over and over again at school is the importance of culture at work. Different cultures work well for different organizations, and some cultures don’t really work at all. Over the last six months, I have observed first-hand how the values embedded in the TME culture are what make the company one that is excellent both internally and...