new hire Tag

Hello Everyone! My name is Mary Iafelice (pronounced “Eye-Fell-Eese” in English, “Ya-Fell-E-Chay” in Italian), and I am pleased to introduce myself to you as a TaylorMade Experience Event Coordinator! Better late than never, right? (Enjoying some Cava in Barcelona, Spain) How is it that a philosophy major with her roots in New England ended up in Events Management in the D.C. area? Well, I will admit that back in college I was dead-set on staying in academia for my whole career. But life, as it is known to do, threw me a curveball...

Hi everyone! I’m Jessica Wessinger, and I’m excited to join the TaylorMade Experience team again as an Event Coordinator.  I say again, because I interned with TME in 2011 and found my way back 3 years later after graduation from Virginia Tech and positions with the Washington Capitals and American University. It’s been impressive to watch TME’s growth from afar over the last few years, and I’m excited at what the future has in store for us. Growing up, I never considered a career in events. I was always interested in business...